Thursday, June 27, 2013

Stretching your way to Health

Yoga , an ancient Indian method of exercise and meditation, is now one of the most popular health enhancement activities practiced by people in different parts of the world. This exercise has a strong appeal among women since the movements and poses focus on flexibility, grace, slow breathing, and relaxation. Due to its enormous popularity, literally thousands of journals, books, magazines, CDs, and other publications that varies on the theme, “woman's book on yoga and health” have been produced over the last few years. From Yoga 101 to Yoga Journals for the 21st Century, health enthusiasts and fitness buffs can't seem to get enough of this unique art form for body motion.

Basically, Yoga involves several concepts, including progressive learning and practice of postures, breathing, concentration, meditation, absorption, restraints, withdrawal of the use of senses. The mastery of these concepts will supposedly lead a Yoga practitioner to so-called spiritual liberation or enlightenment.

There are actually different forms of yoga, from the hard routines to the more mystical styles of Indian exercise. If one is really interested to practice the exercise, there are now many gyms and fitness clubs that offer yoga exercises for beginners.

It is said that by practicing the various postures and movements of Yoga, a person is able to engage in a process of body purification. As a positive result, a yoga practitioner is abe to gradually develop strength and stamina needed for to achieve optimum health. Any volume on a woman's book on yoga and health would include tips on improving flexibility, what food to eat, and other suggestions for daily practice. Yoga is not only a form of exercise. It is also part of Indian philosophy.

A woman's book on yoga and health would also commonly provide information on other regimen, therapy techniques, and even natural remedies for common illnesses. It is said that yoga can be used to relieve tension, headaches, colds and flu symptoms, allergies, and anxiety. The woman's book on yoga and health can be very helpful if you are a woman who seeks to regain confidence and clarity of mind after a traumatic experience or a distressful situation. Some books on yoga even focus on the health benefits of the exercise on pregnant women. Proper breathing exercises also help in the preparation for labor and in controlling pain and post-partum symptoms.

To get a yoga book of good quality, make sure to check if it contains a definition and history of yoga. Any woman's book on yoga and health must also highlight the benefits, potential risks, and requirements to attain the expected results out of the exercise.

About Guest Author : Tattoos were used to be for bad people, but not having a tattoo is no longer a bad thing. But for some people, real tattoo is not an option that is why they chose Temporary Tattoos. Different type of tattoos you can put on your body are Henna Temporary Tattoos. I am working at temporary tattoo online store. Please let me know if you have any question. Check out this website.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How To Help Others While Learning More About Yourself

Mentoring can be an exceptionally rewarding experience. Did you know that mentoring will benefit someone else as well as yourself?
Choosing to be a mentor can be rewarding on so many levels. Interestingly enough, you may find that you’re not just helping the individual you’re mentoring, but learning more about your own strengths.
Just what is a mentor? The dictionary will tell you that a mentor is a “wise and trusted counselor or teacher” or “an influential senior sponsor or supporter.” But you don’t have to be a trained teacher or professional counselor to help with mentoring someone.

Mentoring Types

There are many types of mentors in the world. A parent can be a mentor to their child, and an older sibling can mentor their younger brother or sister. You can volunteer with a program like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to mentor a child or teenager in need, or tutor a struggling student in a subject you’re good at. You can even mentor a coworker or intern who’s just starting out in their career.
The knowledge you impart upon whomever you mentor will serve as a valuable tool for them in achieving their goals, but you will also find that you benefit in many ways from being a mentor. Indeed, mentoring provides guidance for someone who needs it, but it can also teach you a lot about yourself. You may be surprised at the depth of your own knowledge regarding whatever you’re mentoring your charge on.

Being Reminded Of Your Strengths

Tutoring your next door neighbor’s kid in geometry can remind you just how truly great an aptitude you have for math. Volunteering to work with a Little Brother or Little Sister can show you that you really are a wonderful listener or shoulder to cry on. Answering your department’s intern’s questions about your industry might just remind you of how passionate you truly are about your line of work. All of these scenarios and more can help you to reinvigorate your drive for life.
You may realize that you’ve got a strength you haven’t previously been utilizing, and find ways to work it into other aspects of your life. You may also begin to build upon your strengths by not only using them in your everyday life, but also by focusing on them in an effort to help the individual you’re mentoring.

Gain New Perspective

Of course, being a mentor can also make you less self-centered. Your problems may seem small when compared with the tough life of an at-risk child that you’re volunteering to help. You won’t have as much time to worry about the small stuff when you’re busy helping out someone else. Plus, helping out another person will just plain make you feel good. When that previously poor student makes their first good grade on a test after being tutored by you, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment yourself.
There’s no better way to prove to yourself that you really know what you’re doing than to successfully teach someone else how to do it. If you’re bored or unhappy with your job, volunteering to mentor on the weekends or after work may bring some excitement and joy back into your life. It can also give you the sense that you’re truly contributing to making the world a better place.
In fact, you may realize that you enjoy teaching or giving advice so much, and are so incredibly good at it, that it could prompt you to pursue a new career in counseling, teaching, or working for a non-profit. Wherever it takes you, mentoring is a worthwhile pursuit that allows you to help others while also helping yourself.
Article source :

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Striving For Personal Development? Try These Tips!

If you are uncertain about how to develop a plan for personal growth, this article is for you. With a positive attitude and a little knowledge, you can achieve almost anything. This article will help you with the knowledge portion of your personal development endeavors.

You should seek to be surrounded by like-minded people. This will allow you to stay motivated and keep you away from those that might hinder your personal development.

By being a leader, you can help improve your personal development. Leadership is generally approached as being influential. Analyze your leadership progress. What are the specific incidences that made the biggest influence in your life? What changes have occurred thanks to these events? How do you make yourself an important part of a team? When you can answer those questions, you'll know how to be part of a team.

Declaring lowliness is a crucial step in advancing in personal development. Realizing your place in the big scheme of things is freeing. You will begin to understand that there are many ways to improve. As soon as you have this idea lodged in your brain, you are going to want to understand and be able to learn different things, which leads to improving yourself.

Create a personal development plan by determining what your personal values are. Devoting attention to things that undermine your value system is foolish. So instead, you should spend your efforts on things in your life that match up with your values. This allows you to implement personal and professional changes that will last forever.

Exercise should be a part of everyone's routine. There are multiple reasons for exercising. Exercise stimulates the production of substances in your body that help calm you.

Write a pep talk for yourself. List the things that you love about yourself on a postcard. Keep it with you, and pull it out if you are feeling discouraged. Take it a step further and record yourself reading your list. What good would this do?

Each day should be an opportunity to top the previous day's accomplishments. Steady, unending improvement should be your goal. Always push yourself to be a little better than yesterday.

You may reap great benefits by conferring with a therapist or a minister. These people have plenty of experience, and are licensed to help with your problems. Their job is to listen to you and your concerns and help you gain a new outlook on your situation. Discussing your life problems with a counselor or other professional can be very beneficial.

You should treat every person in your life with respect, not matter what they can do to benefit you, or how much power you think they have. The way you act toward others says something about your character, not theirs.

By now, you surely have tons of great new ideas for becoming a stronger person. Hopefully, this knowledge has left you feeling inspired and ready to take action. Continue researching new ways to improve yourself, then take the time to apply this knowledge.

About Guest Author : Tattoos were used to be for bad people, but not having a tattoo is no longer a bad thing. But for some people, real tattoo is not an option that is why they chose Temporary Tattoos. Different type of tattoos you can put on your body are Henna Temporary Tattoos. I am working at temporary tattoo online store. Please let me know if you have any question. Check out this website.

Friday, June 14, 2013

How to Shake Up Your Life

You step into your empty home after another monotonous day at your 9 to 5 job and all of a sudden, you begin to wonder to yourself:  when was the last time I let go and just spent an entire day without following the same, exact routine?   Am I ever going to have the chance to seek out quality time for myself?
If this situation sounds eerily familiar to you, then have no fear!  Sometimes, the key to having an adventurous life is simply to tweak your daily lifestyle.  Don’t worry, you won’t have to get up and move your entire family to the Caribbean (come to think of it, that doesn’t sound THAT bad of an idea).  Here are just four tips that will help you transform your lackluster life… for the better:
Step out of your comfort zone. 
Okay, I know.  It’s easier said than done, but you will eventually have to face your fears head on…  that is, if you want to move forward in life.  So instead of wallowing in self-pity for something that could have been, take action.  Go ask that cute guy that you have had your eyes on if he wants to grab a cup of coffee.  Tell your best friend that you will go skydiving with her this week.  Don’t worry about falling flat on your face, or embarrassing yourself in front of all of your friends;  we all do that at some point in our lives.  Worry about not being able to experience an amazing opportunity because you were too busy fearing the consequences.  So long as you don’t break the law or risk hurting yourself, then you are good to go!
You can’t gain amazing cultural experiences without first socializing with people from different cultures.  Sounds obvious, right?  As long as you are open-minded and free to new ideas, you will meet a bunch of individuals from different walks of life who will provide you with a large range of perspectives.  Be aware, though, your outlook may change on life radically.
Flex your brain muscles. 
And by that, I mean make time for a class.  Anything from healthy cooking to vinyasa yoga will work.  Don’t limit yourself to a course that you deem “useful” to your career.  Chances are, the most interesting hobbies are acquired when you stretch past your boundaries.  Have no idea what kind of class you want to take?  No worries!  Just take a look at the course catalog for your local community college or an online program.  You will never know;  you very well just may end up learning Pig Latin.
Change up your routine. 
We are all creatures of routine.  Can you blame us?  From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we go to bed at night, we have a certain set of tasks to complete.  These tasks may include anything from looking after a pair of middle school teenagers or even taking out the trash for your parents (hey, it’s not like you can just neglect your children or your chores anytime soon).  So, next time you find yourself dreading your next morning run, go a different route in the evening.  Better yet, find an exercise buddy to come with you as you explore your town on foot!  Okay, so maybe you’re not an avid runner.  Just gather your family for a random night of board games, movies, and popcorn.  Everyone, including yourself, will thank you later.
Just because you have two kids to take care of or homework to finish up every day doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doomed to an eternal state of routine.  Sometimes, all it takes to add a little spice to your life is to step foot outside your house for once and take the opportunities that are handed to you.
Best of luck!
Article source :

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety at Work

Is fear leading you down a one-way street to joblessness?

This question might sound extreme but I lost a number of jobs due to excessive anxiety which paralysed my productivity and creativity.

Nearly everyone suffers from some form of stress at work but when it becomes so acute that your whole career belly flops into oblivion, then it’s time to address some of the underlying causes.

I want to share 5 little philosophies I adapted into my working life which allowed me to not only keep a job but to flourish in my new career, as well as reduce my overall anxiety levels.

Prepare for the Pressure

Some people excel under pressure and produce their best work when the flames of hellfire are licking at their ankles. However, for most people this simply isn’t the case and especially not when you’re prone to anxiety.

When stressed we can learn fast but we don’t learn well. An over-motivation fuelled by fear to get a particular job done can also lead to interference in our reasoning capabilities. All of this together can lead to clear thinking being lost and a descent into a narrow fixated response, leading to further anxiety, frustration, and tension.

In order to reduce and alleviate the inevitable pressure moments at work we need to ‘prepare’ and ‘practice’ away from the hot zone.

This can be achieved by making sure you plan and research potentially problematic tasks well ahead of schedule, in your own time if need be, in order for you to feel you have an increased understanding and awareness of what will be involved.

Think of this like a fire drill. Practice and prepare without pressure and regardless of the situation, you’ll have an increased awareness of the task at hand and a more relaxed mind-set open to better judgement, interpretation and improvisation.

Article source :

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Great Personal Development Tips That Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Personal development is all about making positive changes in yourself so that you can have a better life. Achieving your own personal development goals requires educating yourself on all of the different tactics that are used so that you can determine which ones work and which ones do not. The following article offers suggestions that will help get you started on your personal development journey.

Keep a journal with you so whenever ideas hit, you can record them. Try carrying paper with you wherever you go. Make sure to write down as many details as possible when a new idea comes to you so you can use them later.

Leadership is the cornerstone of personal development. Leadership is generally approached as being influential. Review your total experiences as a leader. What events have impacted you the most in your life? How did you use those events to better yourself? Ask yourself which qualities make you a good leader. By considering these questions, you can determine how to fit into a team-related setting.

When building a personal development plan, it is important to consider your personal values. Focusing on areas contrary to your values does not make sense. Try and improve areas that coincide with your values. Changes to your life, in the personal or professional spheres, will be easier to make permanent when they reflect your ideals.

Exercise even if you are at your ideal weight. There are so many different physical and emotional reasons to exercise. As you work out, your body will release chemicals necessary to relieving your stress.

Challenge yourself to grow daily. Always work towards making improvements. Focus on a specific task that you want to do better today than yesterday.

Without taking care of yourself, you will be unable to care for others. To ensure you can have the energy to care for others, take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest.

Moving toward your goal and meeting your personal needs demands that you do one specific thing to be successful. You must actively engage in life rather than sitting on the sidelines. If you act only as a spectator, no one will really pay attention to you, so be active!

One way to overcome anxiety is to go see a movie with a friend or family member. This allows you to be in a social setting without the added pressure of talking to a lot of people. This will also help you to become comfortable in settings that involve crowds.

If you feel that you are constantly unable to reach your goals, then you need to stop and reassess your goals and what you are doing to reach them. Do some research online for examples of goals and ideas that are similar to yours, then compare your own goals to your findings. You might need to be more realistic or gain the proper information you need to succeed.

As was mentioned earlier, personal development can help you better yourself. It is important to focus on strategies that work, as opposed to those that do not work for you,u in order to succeed. These ideas will take you to places you may not have thought about. The most important thing is to maximize your potential and get the most out of your life.

About Guest Author : Tattoos were used to be for bad people, but not having a tattoo is no longer a bad thing. But for some people, real tattoo is not an option that is why they chose Temporary Tattoos. Different type of tattoos you can put on your body are Henna Temporary Tattoos. I am working at temporary tattoo online store. Please let me know if you have any question. Check out this website.