“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” - Jim Rohn
Life is an amazing and wonderful thing, right!
Well, at least when things are going our way. We all have good days and bad days. It’s just part of the human experience.
Sometimes we’re required to do things we don’t want to do, or we have to make a difficult transition from one phase of life to another.
When life gets us down, it’s easy to overlook the joy and beauty around us.
But what if despite the difficulties in your life you could wake up excited and ready to take on the day?
Learning to weave happiness and joy into our life is within our control. We don’t have to sit, wait, and hope that our life will get better.
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We can start making different choices and changing our perspective today.
Here are a few suggestions to string together a wonderful day.
Start the day off right
Set the tone for your day from the moment you wake up. Develop a morning ritual that supports a positive attitude. Eat a healthy and light breakfast.
Take some time for silence and stillness before rushing off to do whatever you plan on doing.This might include some meditation or prayer. Get pumped up by listening to some uplifting music or reading some inspiring material.
Decide on one positive contribution you can make
Success and significance comes from the culmination of many small decisions along the way. Make a positive contribution each day.
Think of one small thing you can do to make the world better than it was yesterday. Whether it be toward family, friends, a coworker, or even a stranger, do something that will inspire you.
Work on gratitude
The most important state of mind that allows us to find joy and appreciation in life is gratitude. When we focus on our blessings and what we have to be thankful for it leads to a powerful shift in our attitude and outlook.
Write five things you are grateful for to start off your day. It may be a person, situation, object, or recent event.
Find ways to be creative
Start using your imagination and get your creative juices flowing. When life gets dull we need something to cater to our creative potential. Find outlets to incorporate creativity into our day. This will lead to personal growth and can help you surmount from the flatness of life.
Be willing to play
Bring out the child in you. Play is rejuvenating and energizing. Sometimes we forget that life is supposed to be fun, so remind yourself to be more playful. If you work hard give yourself an opportunity to play hard as well. Joke, laugh, and live free of restraints.
Practice self-improvement
Know your strengths and weaknesses and how you can build on these areas. Work toward positive change in areas that you could use growth and incorporate your strengths to help you be at your best. Make it a goal to get better each day in some area of your life.
Spend time with people you care about
When people are on their death bed you never hear them say, “I wish I would’ve worked more.” When it comes down to what is most important to many people it is relationships. Make time to connect with people you love and care about. We experience life more fully when we are sharing it with other people.
Reward yourself for your efforts
Focus on the positive aspects of your day. Recognize the accomplishments, hard work, and results you gained. Create a reward that is waiting for you at the end of the day, and give yourself credit where it is due.
Don’t ruin a perfectly good day because of one or two bad turn of events. Each day will include both challenges and opportunities.
“Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun’s shining or not.” - Marty Robbins
Make today the best day possible!
Today holds so much promise if you start off on the right foot, focus on what you’re grateful for, do something kind for others, and acknowledge your accomplishments.
Article source : http://shakeoffthegrind.com/positivity/how-to-have-the-best-day-of-your-life
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